Our aim is to encourage friendship and spiritual growth of its members through the Roman Catholic tradition of worship, inquiry, prayer and service.


Our Beginning

The UN Staff Recreational Council (UNSRC) Catholic Club took root when two UN staff members realised that there was no formal UNSRC club for Catholics or those interested in the Roman Catholic tradition.

They met regularly over the summer of 2019 to pray for such a group and began the process of identifying possible support for its establishment. In Nov 2019, the Club was formally created within the UNSRC with ten staff members as sponsors.

“ According to Christian tradition, (work) is more than a mere doing; it is, above all, a mission…”

— pope francis, nov 2017

Get Involved

The Club is open to all United Nations personnel and friends. If you are interested to join or get involved, let us know! Any help you offer will be vital to the growth of the Club. Learn More →