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Talk on Divine Dialogue: Journeying into the Heart of Prayer and Intimacy with Christ by Fr. Thomas Acklin (ZOOM)

  • Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 9173535387 & Passcode: 9173535387) (map)

In this transformative talk, we will unravel the mysteries of prayer and unveil the extraordinary intimacy that unfolds when we answer the call to commune with Christ. Discover the power of silence, the beauty of vulnerability, and the joy found in a heart-to-heart connection with the Creator. This talk will hopefully inspire and guide us all on a path to a richer, more fulfilling relationship with Christ through the transformative practice of prayer.

Speaker: Father Thomas Acklin OSB

Topic: Divine Dialogue: Journeying into the Heart of Prayer and Intimacy with Christ

Date/Time: Thursday, June 13, 2024 1-2 PM EST 

Zoom link:  (Meeting ID: 9173535387 & Passcode: 9173535387) or Dial-in Number: +16469313860 followed by 9173535387# for access code. (No need to put in participant number, just press # again when asked.)

Speaker Bio: Father Thomas Acklin OSB, is a Benedictine monk and priest at Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He earned an MA in philosophy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, and an STD in theology and a PhD in religious studies at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium where he specialized in psychology of religion. He is a psychoanalyst, and was trained in the Belgian School of Psychoanalysis and graduated from the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Institute. He has been a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association, and the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis. He's served as a professor at St. Vincent Seminary, teaching theology, psychology, and philosophy, and held administrative roles within the monastery and seminary. Additionally, he's been involved in pastoral ministry and retreats, particularly for priests and contemplative religious, both locally and internationally. Father Tom has contributed to communications, co-hosting TV shows and appearing on radio programs. He's authored several books and articles, including "The Passion of the Lamb" and co-authored works such as "Spiritual Direction: Guide For Sharing The Father’s Love."

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